Herbhy multi-purpose tool carrier

Following the enthusiasm for the success of the line of remote-controlled tool carriers, the most disparate requests from customers have begun to come in for equipment dedicated to various uses to be applied to HYMACH self-propelled vehicles. Thus was born a whole line of removable equipment made specifically for HERBHY, demonstrating its multi-purpose nature. Thanks to the strength, stability and power supplied by its industrial engine, HERBHY is ideal for installing professional equipment. This includes the loader shovel, designed to be applied in front of the vehicle, with a capacity of half a cubic metre and a height such as to allow the loading of various materials beyond the edges of normal vehicles. The shovel hooks onto the structure of the roll bar, which forms a single body with the body of the tool carrier and is therefore particularly robust, and is operated directly by the remote control itself. The intended use is not only that of shifting materials in the movement of earth, or snow in winter maintenance, but it is also particularly indicated for in situations of recovery of materials that block drainage systems that often, due to the size and unhealthy air, may present precarious conditions for the safety of workers.

Today, using HERBHY with the R-Eye remote vision system with indication of the depth that transmits the images to a remote video placed on the remote control, it is possible to manoeuvre the tool carrier while remaining outside the unsafe area. Other equipment includes the brush that with hydraulic movements allows you to advance and operate in the area under maintenance, including with lateral inclines on both sides up to 35°, and it can be used for cleaning the road surface of deposits and debris or of snow. Accessories are available for particular situations such as the dust collector and the spraying system to wet the road surface. Again for winter maintenance there is the snow plough, which with identical lateral inclines can operate in historic town centres and in confined space situations with excellent manoeuvrability, and the snow blower that helps especially in the parking sites of ski areas and where wide access is required for the parking places of normal vehicles next to homes. The bivalent mower that allows cutting around trees, the chipper for the production of wood chips, the stump grinder for mechanically levelling tree stumps. These are just some examples of HERBHY’s potential for metamorphosis and a lot more equipment is being designed to facilitate work in areas such as agriculture, viticulture, olive growing and livestock farming. Hymach is once again at the customer’s side and ready to follow a common path to achieve mutually satisfactory results.